Gengo is a useful source of income for translators. Translation is a primary need in the current world. There are thousands of companies and people needing translators on a regular basis. Gengo is one the best places for such companies and persons to get their work done by professional and skillful translators. Here are 5 main reasons why freelance translators should use Gengo.

Freelance Translators Get Work Easily on Gengo

Gengo is an awesome place for freelance translators to get translation work easily. It is simple to get registered on this platform. Basic translation tests are also very easy, both for new and experienced translators. After successful registration, you will see a lot of projects related to your favorite languages. You can then apply for projects relevant to your skills.

Freelance Translators Can Earn Handy Amount Through Gengo

Gengo offers good pays to freelance translators. The standard payment for an approved translation of a 500-word document is $15 on Gengo, which is not bad as a start. The pay usually gets better overtime with experience. After getting experience and reputation, a Gengo translator can apply for Pro qualification tests to unlock high-paying projects.

Freelance Translators Get Huge Opportunities on Gengo

Gengo offers huge career opportunities to highly qualified translators. If a freelancer translator is having a degree in a foreign language, then he can become a specialist on this platform. He can easily find challenging translation tasks. Challenging tasks pay huge amounts to Gengo translators. However, it requires great translation skills to handle such tasks. If you’re strong enough, then you can earn huge on Gengo.

5 Reasons Why Freelance Translators Should Use

Gengo offers Relaxed Deadlines to Freelance Translators

There are some projects that require a quick turnaround. However, most of the tasks on Gengo have reasonable deadlines. A freelance translator can easily manage his time to complete translation tasks on Gengo easily and effectively. Moreover, tasks with strict deadlines pay huge amounts as well. So, a Gengo translator always has an opportunity to go for tight deadlines and earn relatively high pays.

Freelance Translators Can Start from Simple to Complex on Gengo

A freelance translator on Gengo enjoys the benefits of getting both simple and complex tasks. In the beginning, a Gengo translator can focus on simple projects. However, he can go for complex and challenging tasks as he gets experience. Gengo is for everyone regardless of their degrees and qualifications. However, a qualified translator can earn much as compared to an unqualified translator. It is free to create an account on Gengo to work as a translator. After creating an account, you just need to take a simple test with 4 or 5 right answers to get approved. You can start working after approving your account. It is a simple way to get some extra income in the beginning. However, you can make it a full-time job if you have good qualifications and skills as a prominent translator.


Gengo is an excellent opportunity for freelance translators to earn a substantial income. Your income grows overtime as you get experience on this platform. Gengo offers benefits to both new and experienced translators. It is very easy to work on Gengo sitting in your home. However, it is a much better place for highly qualified translators. If you are a freelance translator, then you must use Gengo to get these benefits.