Translation is becoming a vast field as globalization is on the rise. Thanks to technology, people are coming closer to each other. Nations as well, are coming closer and closer. This globalization has increased the need for translation. You can earn huge money if you know at least two languages. There is a big room for new translators to earn money in the translation industry. Internet is the best source to find translation jobs as a newbie. In this article, I will discuss 4 ways to land translation jobs with no experience.

Work for Agencies

There are various agencies in translation field that are providing services to a wide range of customers from all around the world. You can join such agencies as a translator by passing simple tests. If you succeed, then you can start working on various projects. In the beginning, you do not get paid much. However, the payment gets better over time as you complete more projects.

Agencies always look for new translators and provide them opportunities to build a good career. It is a fantastic way for a new translator to improve his translation skills and abilities.

Start as a Freelancer

You can become a freelance translator by offering your services on platforms such as UpWork, Fiverr, and freelancer. Freelancing is one of the best ways to get translation work done. Most of the people look for a freelancer for translation jobs. It is very easy to join freelance platforms. They have their own business models. For example, you have to reach clients on UpWork but clients reach you on Fiverr. So, you need to know each platforms well before registering. It is better to join most of them to get better chances of getting more clients as a beginner.

Offer Free Services

4 Ways to Land Translation Jobs with No

For a new translator with no experience, the most brutal hurdle is finding clients. However, you can attract clients by offering free services in the beginning. After getting the trust of your clients, you can charge a handy amount for your work. An inexperienced translator should always expect a huge struggle in the beginning. However, things will get better over time as you will gain experience. You can use social media and internet sources to find clients that want free services. Such clients include charities, post-graduate students, and some organizations.

Work on Crowd-Source Translation Projects

Twitter, one of the largest social media platforms, often provides opportunities for new translators, to work on crowd-sourced translation projects. These projects are generally unpaid, however, they provide opportunities to gain experience and skills. Translators then get a chance to receive feedback from other translators. Moreover, it is always good to become a member of a translation community. It can open up paid tasks for new translators as well.


Getting experience is more important than money if you are looking to build a strong career as a new translator. So, you should focus more on improving your skills than earning money. There are various ways to start getting jobs as a new translator with no experience. It is a little bit tough in the beginning. However, you will feel better over time.